Thursday, December 4, 2008

We would like to send out a thank you to Aiden, Lee, Zach and Pawpaw

Clayton spent an afternoon at his friend Aiden's house. He came home with this lovely skill. Over Thanksgiving Lee, Zach and Pawpaw really helped him perfect it! They have even named this skill, but I'll spare you. All I can say is hurry home Zeke we have a LOT to teach you!!


Fred and Renee said...

Good job Clayton! You are making Pawpaw, Uncle Lee and Uncle Zach proud!

Elizabeth said...

I'm SO happy you put this on your blog. A little disappointed you didn't name it, though. :)

Dan and Tami said...

I feel honored that you videoed that with me in mind. Clayton, I'll let you teach Zeke that when we come back. Hope you all are doing well.