Monday, March 30, 2009

First Pictures of Baby Shackelford #3!!

Yes, you heard that #3!! Below you will see his/her first picture. I asked the ultrasound tech to make sure there was only ONE heartbeat and she assured me there was only one!! Everything looks great! The heartbeat was around 180. Dr. Evans said there are old wives tales about heartbeats and determining if it is a boy or a girl, but she has not seen them hold true (Well at least not more than 50% of the time!). After my confession that I downed a medium iced vanilla latte (Thanks Katie!!) from McDonalds neither one of us was surprised at the heart rate! The quality of the scanned picture is not that good, but that was as good as I could get it...sorry! With all of the official stuff said Fred and I are now taking name possibilities. We are open to any and all suggestions!


Fred and Renee said...

I think he/she is beautiful! Twins would have been nice though - don't you think?

Izzscoot said...

I think this one looks like you! Seriously, how do they EVER find a baby in those pics?! I could never see anything but gray and black shadows.

Erica said...

Precious! I agree with the previous post. This one is going to look like you. It just has too!!

mundayseven said...

Congratulations! I had meant to say so before but thought better late than never. :)