Friday, February 27, 2009

The wedding ceremony of Q and U

We have been so blessed this year with Clayton starting school at Rhea Elementary. One of those blessings has been his teacher this year. She is so creative, clever, artsy and crafty...everything I am not!! I love her for this reason. Today I was subbing in another kindergarten classroom and the assistant told me I had to go to Clayton's room for the wedding of Q and U. Clayton had been telling me about this all week. They had a wedding ceremony with cake, punch, bride and groom, the wedding march and a minister. The girls were dressed as queens and the boys were dressed as quarterbacks. Clayton was the groom and quarterback Q. He got to walk down the aisle with Queen U and they became one. They even had to shake hands and promise never to sweet!! Even sweeter though is that I was just down the hall and got to witness it all!!


Fred and Renee said...

Adorable - I probably would have cried.

Elizabeth said...

this is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Erica said...

Who in the world would have ever have thought of such a great idea?? This is adorable. So Sweet!