Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

Jack wanted to celebrate Easter this morning with the women that went to the tomb before it was light. He woke up around 5:30. He did go back to sleep until 6:30 and then Clayton got up shortly after. We all sat down for breakfast and Fred read the Easter story. After church Melody and her family, including Aunt Michelle, came over for Easter lunch. What a day! How blessed we are to know we serve a risen Savior! (And how blessed we are to have the freedom to celebrate!)


Dan and Tami said...

Your family picture turned out great this year! We didn't manage to get one of those, with running out the door to get to the 7:30 AM service. By the time we were heading home, Zeke was tired and had spilt Starbucks chai all over Dan's pants. Alas. Your table looks great as always as well!

Elizabeth said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your family picture! And what a cute donut easter basket! Very creative! I also love your family tradition of reading the Easter story. You guys are such an amazing family. We're constantly learning from you. Love you!

The Kenworthys said...

Happy Easter Shackelfords!