Thursday, March 14, 2013

Catching Up

Remember Jack's reading challenge?!?  He did it!  He read an entire chapter book by himself and took/passed an AR test.  He got his pizza, although much to his disappointment he had to share it with the rest of the family.  Way to go Jack!
 Andrew and I got to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday at Story Hour.  Who doesn't love a party?!?  I'm not sure about the look on his face, but he was super excited.  He even volunteered to be a part of one of the songs.  I have the video to prove it.  It may be a first and last for him.

 Jack got to celebrate Elegant Dinner at his school.  All the students dress up in their "Sunday best" and are treated to an elegant dinner, complete with a harpist.  I wasn't in town when this took place.  I was in Nashville with my grandmother.  Much thanks to Fred for getting Jack dressed up and to all my friends for sending me pictures during the event so I wouldn't be left out. 

 Andrew is typically so grateful.  I went to a consignment sale and bought him some clothes and shoes for this summer.  He was so excited.  We had to take off his pajamas and try them on immediately.  He said, "Thanks mom.  I really like my clothes."  Too sweet.  He slept in those shorts that night. 
 Dr. Seuss's birthday was celebrated by every member of the Shackelford household.  Fred went to Clayton's school to read and then Clayton went to Jack's school to read.  It was really sweet.  He asked me if he could go read to Jack's class.  I love it when my boys love on each other.  My only regret is that I don't have a picture of them together that day.  Jack presented Clayton with a Hershey bar as a gift from the class.  Then Jack asked Clayton if he could have his Hershey bar.  Clayton said no.  Feel the love.  Classic.
Clayton has is working on a Power Point presentation at school.  He does not need our help apparrently. (YEAH!!)  The following is our converstaion from this week:
Clayton:  I'm working on this Power Point at school and I've found a way to make it much easier. 
Me:  Really?  What is it?
Clayton:  Well, I just find information that I need on the computer, highlight it and then paste it in to my presentation. 
Me:  Gasp...Clayton, you can't do that.  That is cheating.  It's called plagerism and it's illegael. 
Clayton:  Really? 
Me:  Yes, it's a pretty serious offense.  Not to mention, just a bad habit to get in to. 
Clayton:  Can you go to jail?
Me:  I don't think so, but I'd fix it as soon as possible.  Grin. 

Fred is running a half marathon this Saturday.  He has trained through the winter to be ready.  I think this qualifies him as "hard core". 

I am going to a shower this weekend for Fred's sister.  She is having a girl.  I say...better her than me!!  In just buying for the shower I've been out of control.  Out of control.  Good times, though. 

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