Thursday, February 21, 2013

This week

1.  We have a marriage retreat this weekend.  The boys are going to Memphis.  We are pretty pumped about a weekend together!!
2. My grandmother, Helen, appears to have suffered from a stroke.  She also has dementia.  Not many people are fortunate enough to know their grandparents.  I have had the priviliege of having deep, meaningful relationships with three grandparents.  Helen (or Grams) has been one of my best friends: my lunch date, my constant supporter, my shopping buddy.  It breaks my heart to see her like this.  Through the saddness though, God has given me glimpses of her. She will do something through the fog that is so distinctly Helen, I can't help but smile. 
The above pictures were from her 84th birthday in May.  I asked her how old she was and she said, "I do not know.  Old, for sure."
3.  Because of Helen's dementia it will be really difficult for her to rehab through these falls.  The doctor explained that once a dementia patient loses mobility they typically go downhill quickly.  Basically he was saying this is the beginning of the end if she doesn't regain mobility.  I tried to explain this to Clayton.  He looked at me and said, "Well really Mom, it's the end of the beginning for her since she knows Jesus."  Well said, son...well said. 
4.    Jack LOVES breakfast food.  Loves it.  One of his favorite things is a sausage and biscuit.  He really like a frozen or canned biscuit.  This morning I pulled out all the stops and made canned biscuits.  He ate three, with sausage.  I told him three was enough.  He lobbied for four.  We stopped at three. 
5.  The boys are going to Memphis this weekend.  Andrew is going to a live performance of Yo Gabba Gabba! with Zachary.  This could go either way for Andrew.  He loves Zachary.  He enjoys watching Yo Gabba Gabba on tv.  However, he is terrified of someone in a costume.  Let's hope he and Mawmaw don't spend the entire show in the bathroom.

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