Thursday, January 13, 2011

Five on Friday

1.  Fred has been working on his library now for a year and a half.  He just finished getting all his books labeled with the Library of Congress number.  He is giddy over this.  It's a little nerdy, but we're okay with it. 
2.  I made homemade chocolate pudding a couple of weeks ago.  You know, hot pudding without a box.  I am addicted.  I sit around thinking about it.  I even made fresh whipped cream to top it off.  Hot chocolate pudding with cool whipped cream...oh, I need some!  If you need some click here for the recipe.  (Please note I did not cool the pudding.)
3.  Clayton has been out of school for three days.  Yes, three days.
4. Jack has a terrible cough.  I asked him if anything else was hurting and he said his stomach and arm pits were hurting. Maybe we should have those arm pits checked out?!?
5.  The big boys, Fred and I are doing a little indoor camp-out this weekend.  Andrew got the opportunity to stay in Jackson with Mun and Janice.  I'm sure he is having the time of his life!  We miss him.

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