Thursday, March 17, 2011

I heart potatoes.

I have always loved potatoes, but since I've gotten older I really try to limit my carb intake.  Unfortunately, this includes potatoes.  Potatoes (and grease) do strange things to me...such as cause my pants not to fit in the thighs or (ahem) seat.  This is so sad to me.  Said all this to say...when I eat a potato it better be good!  Here it is.  What is it you may be asking?!? 
The above picture is homemade tater tots!  Yes, homemade tater tots!!  They are delicious and simple. 

Here is the recipe:
Place 5 potatoes in the oven.
Bake them until done.
When they are baked put them in a food processor with an egg.  Once they are nice and blended scoop them out with a melon baller and place them in 1/4 inch of hot oil.  Let them get good and crispy and them carefully flip them.  Once they have cooked on both sides place them on a paper towel to drain them.  Sprinkle them with salt and dunk in ketchup.  They have a creamy center and a crispy exterior.  Perfection. 

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