Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Clayton's second day

In posting this little story I am simply trying to keep from having to repeat it eight times, not to give Clayton a pat on the back (even though I am proud of him)...
Last night I made pumpkin muffins so breakfast would be ready this morning. The boys got up and ate and then Clayton put on his backpack. He asked me what was in his backpack and I told him his folder was in there with his lunch money inside. He then asked me why he had to have lunch money. I told him we had to pay for the food he ate at school for lunch. Then he said, "Mommy, could we take some muffins to the ladies in the lunch room? They worked really hard yesterday getting my lunch ready and we haven't taken them anything yet." Needless to say I began packing up all the muffins and quickly attached a note. He was so proud when we took them into the cafeteria. I was tyring to fight back tears!!


Elizabeth said...

I told youL If he's not the sweetest, most adorable 5-year-old boy, then I want to meet the kid that is!! Seriously...

Can't wait to see you guys on Friday!

Erica said...

Ok. I know Clayton is really sweet and all. I give him that. I also know Clayton is REALLY smart! Do you think he may be using you and your muffins to get bigger portions of food. He already knows that your best friends should be the cafeteria ladies. He is wise beyond his years!!! How sweet!

Corey and Melody Cain said...

Oh, my...I cried when I heard this! How sweet. Maybe he will help to change things in the cafeteria!

Fred and Renee said...

He is precious!!

Amber said...

That is the sweetest! I got goosebumps! Love him!

Elizabeth said...

Look at my blog. You've been tagged.