Friday, September 17, 2010

Five on Friday

1. It's that time again...Fall Cook-Out!! While we weren't in charge of the cook-out Fred still helped grill 1400 burgers today for Clayton's school.

2. Today was a big day at Rhea: cook-out, logo sales and book fair! Thanks to all of our volunteers who made these events a HUGE success!! We love our school!

3. When I picked up Clayton from his class today his teacher gave him a hug and said she was so glad he was in her class. When Clayton was 2 I never thought that would be said. Music to a my ears!

4. Jack had his first soccer game last week. I was getting him ready and he handed me his shin guards. He then asked me if I could put his "machine guards" on so he could go play his game.

5. We have an air vent in the kitchen that Andrew loves. He is constantly taking the cover off. This week I heard a commotion in the kitchen. Andrew had taken the cover from the vent and (while grinning) was trying to drop a car down the vent. Stinker.

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