Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ten years ago today...

Fred and I started talking about June 24th, 2000 the other day. We began a discussion about things that are the same and things that are different. Out of that discussion came the following lists...

Ten things that have changed over ten years:
1. I drive a van. I like it.
2. Fred no longer has hair.
3. We have three, count 'em three, precious boys.
4. Three people from our wedding photo have gone on to live with Jesus. We miss them and think of them often.
5. Fred and I both have cell phones. We would never travel anywhere without them.
6. We live in Paris, Tennessee. (Which we LOVE, but ten years ago neither of us would have believed it or entertained the idea of it!!)
7. Technology has changed. Ten years ago, we did not have digital cameras and only had a VCR hooked to our television.
8. When we got married, all of Fred's siblings were in college and/or high school. Today, they are all mature, happily married adults. It's been fun to see them grow and grow with them.
9. Fred and I are both in better physical shape than was when we got married. I actually enjoy a good, sweaty work-out.
10. Fred and I continue to grow and change in our relationship, but also in our love of our Heavenly Father. As that love for our Savior deepens we seem to love and respect each other even more.

Ten things that have stayed the same over ten years:
1. Fred is messy and I am neat. (Although we have both given some in this area.)
2. Fred is still my best friend. I can laugh, cry and share with him unlike any other person.
3. I still do at least one load of laundry every day (But, thankfully, Fred has grown accustomed to rotating his underwear!).
4. We went to the beach on our honeymoon. We continue to go to the beach (at least) once a year.
5. Fred and I have been serving Jesus Christ and His church together now for ten years. 10 years ago, the ministry was new and exciting. Today it's every bit as fun and exciting as it was then.
6. Fred's dream car is a Jeep Wrangler. Maybe some day he will get one!?!
7. Fred is still extremely absent minded. He misplaces his keys or phone on a weekly basis. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard, "Have you seen my (fill in the blank)?" I'd be a rich woman!!
8. We still have the same couch. (I wish this was on the change list, but alas...the kiddos have to eat.)
9. I'm still the most unsentimental, unromantic woman on the planet (this list is me trying :)).
10. Our resolve to make this marriage work is still what it was 10 years ago. Like any couple, we've had our ups and downs, but the effort has paid off in ways we could not have imagined.

This was taken the night before a wedding shower. We went to Mrs. Barefoot's house to open early presents.

Our wedding day...
Fred sent me roses on our wedding day. I got them when I was getting ready. (I should have added this to the change list. I would not want him to send me flowers today. Refer to #8 (and #9) on things that have stayed the same.)
Ten years later...

1 comment:

mundayseven said...

Congratulations! Jennifer, you don't look like you have changed a bit.