Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First day of school

Doesn't he look big?!?  What is it about the start of a new school year that makes my children look so grown up so quickly??  Sunday they looked like normal eight and five year old boys and then Monday morning...oh my!  Neither of my boys wanted me to walk them in to their schools.  I asked several times and in several ways, but they both declined my services.  I'm okay with it....after I briefly teared up.   
 Jack was so excited he ate breakfast with his back pack on.  We still had 30 minutes before leaving for school.  Once I told him about the 30 minutes he still kept his back pack on.  He even kept that smile.  Whew...he's so grown up!!  I'm not sure what happened to my shy, timid little (well, always big) fella.

We are looking forward to a great year, believing that God will use us as a family.  Being involved in our children's schools is one of the greatest blessings we have had as parents.  I cannot wait to see what God will do this year! 

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