Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last Story Hour for Jack

Monday was Jack's last story hour...sniff, sniff. He will be heading to preschool in the Fall at Joyland...sniff, sniff. We had a great year with Ms. Donna and Ms. Pam!
Ms. Donna asked for volunteers to participate in the song Five Little Ducks. Jack was to be the daddy duck. He was not going to do it until Mrs. Katie offered ice cream from McDonalds. He reluctantly stood, but he did not do his part. He stood with the above face for the duration of the song. He finally said "quack, quack" when Mrs. Katie reminded him of the ice cream. Too funny!!
The crew from this year, minus Amber and Jack.

After story hour we headed to McDonald's (where Jack got his promised ice cream). Katie offered to take us on a tour of the back of McDonald's. The manager, Ms. Debbie, even let each kiddo say, "Welcome to McDonald's." Jack actually did it. He giggled through the entire experience.

1 comment:

Fred and Renee said...

Fun! I bet he loved the McDonald's tour. I would have.